Fishing & Maritime Issues
Patrick has hands-on experience with the maritime issues that are a major part of our district’s economic engine. He has worked on fishing boats since he was 10 years old. He knows how important fishing is for Marshfield and Scituate’s economy and how it is threatened by overregulation.
As a State Representative, Patrick will fight for our district’s fishermen and lobstermen. We are all committed to protecting our environment and making sure our oceans are not overfished, but those restrictions need to be fair.
Economic Development & Small Businesses
As an entrepreneur, Patrick knows small businesses are the backbone of our economy. Most new jobs are created by small businesses and we need to ensure that Marshfield and Scituate remain excellent places to start and grow a business.
Patrick will be a resource for small business owners looking to navigate the complex state bureaucracy and hopes to simplify regulations to make it easier to operate a small business while still making sure consumers are protected from unfair business practices.
Opioid Crisis
Opioid addiction is the biggest public health issue facing Massachusetts. Heroin, fentanyl, and other deadly opiates are bringing tragedy into far too many homes here in Marshfield and Scituate. Thankfully, our first responders and many community groups are stepping up and working to prevent people from falling victim to addiction and helping addicts get healthy again. We need to make sure those organizations have the resources they need to be effective.
Additionally, Patrick will investigate having our communities join other Massachusetts towns in a class action lawsuit against opiate manufacturers who misled the public about the addictiveness of their drugs. Any money recovered in that lawsuit should be used to fund rehabilitation and drug prevention programs.
Flood Insurance
Flood insurance may seem like an arcane topic but it will have major financial consequences for many coastal homeowners. When FEMA rewrote flood maps based on an inaccurate formula, Rep. Cantwell stood up and fought for our district. Because of his efforts, homeowners avoided unfair flood insurance hikes that would have cost them thousands, or even tens of thousands, every year.
Patrick understands flood insurance issues because he lives in a flood zone. He will be ready to continue Rep. Cantwell’s leadership on the issue from his first day in office.
Coastal Resiliency & Protection Initiatives
As coastal communities, Marshfield and Scituate depend on seawalls to keep our streets and homes protected from flooding. Unfortunately, many portions of our seawalls were constructed decades ago and are in desperate need of repair. As your next State Representative, Patrick will fight to make sure funding for seawalls and coastal restoration are a priority in the state budget.
Every student in Scituate and Marshfield deserves access to an exceptional public education and the ability to learn in a safe environment. Our schools need to be well funded and utilize the latest technology to effectively prepare students for the 21st century economy. Good schools are essential to attracting new families to our community and keeping property values high. The most important way a State Representative can help our schools is fighting for our fair share of local aid funding. Patrick will make this one of his top goals in office.
Additionally, as a graduate of Massachusetts Maritime Academy, a public college, Patrick knows the importance of affordable higher education. A college degree is more important than ever but too many students are graduating from college buried in debt. Patrick will be committed to keeping the UMass system, state colleges, and community colleges affordable for working families.
Taxes & Fiscal Responsibility
Patrick learned the value of a dollar by founding his own small business. He believes that government can play a crucial role in helping citizens and strengthening our state’s economy, but it needs to be efficiently run and cost effective. He will scrutinize every state budget and work to make sure that public funds are spent with the same thoughtfulness and care that he uses when managing his own budget.